The Crumbling (2015)
The Crumbling is a 21-minute stop-motion animation video opera set in a dream-like mythic town following the trials of an apprentice librarian as she tries to save her city from crumbling down around her. The piece explores the importance of word and symbol in a decaying culture, as well as the marginalization and persecution of people based on heritage, gender, race or belief, and all that is lost in such persecution. The Crumbling takes a modern and innovative form, while drawing from ancient texts and esoterica such as the Kabbalah, the Hermetic Philosophy of ancient Egypt, the mystical beliefs of Hildegard von Bingen, Alchemy of the 16th Century, and the mid 19th Century occult beliefs of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor.
During screenings, the film is accompanied by live musical performance by Alexis Gidoen. The live music mirrors the action exactly, and the animated characters' mouths are perfectly in sync with the sung lyrics.
The Crumbling has been made possible through the generous support of Pittsburgh's New Hazlett Theater and funding provided by the Investing in Professional Artists Program, a partnership of The Pittsburgh Foundation and The Heinz Endowments.
During screenings, the film is accompanied by live musical performance by Alexis Gidoen. The live music mirrors the action exactly, and the animated characters' mouths are perfectly in sync with the sung lyrics.
The Crumbling has been made possible through the generous support of Pittsburgh's New Hazlett Theater and funding provided by the Investing in Professional Artists Program, a partnership of The Pittsburgh Foundation and The Heinz Endowments.